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How To File A Driver’s Crash Report In Texas

Drivers in Texas that are involved in a car crash need to fill out an accident report, commonly referred to as a Driver’s Crash Report.
Am I required by law to fill out a report?
Usually, yes.
Texas law requires that if a car accident results in death, any injury, or more than $1,000 worth of damage, either a witnessing officer or the vehicle’s driver must fill out at Driver’s Crash Report.
What this means is you will almost always be legally required to fill out a report.
What do I need to do at the accident scene?
As soon as the accident occurs, you need to call and notify the police.
If you feel the accident was minor and does not involve an emergency situation, the police still need to be informed. If you believe there are no injuries and no risk of more harm, you can always call the police non-emergency line.
A police officer will be able to properly investigate the accident scene and help you fill out the report.
You also need to collect any information you can while still at the scene.
Exchange your contact and insurance information with the other driver, even if you believe you are at fault. Write down the “VIN” (Vehicle Identification Number) of any cars involved in the accident.
Make sure to also collect the contact information of any witnesses to the accident.
Finally, contact your insurance company and report the accident. Take care to pass on any information you collected to your insurance agent.
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What do I need to do after the accident?
The Texas Department of Transportation (“TXDoT”) collects reports from law enforcement, called CR-3’s, for every crash.
TxDoT also collects Driver’s Crash Reports from individual drivers, called CR-2’s.
You will need to fill out and submit this form within 10 days of the accident.
You can download your report from TxDoT’s website.
Collecting information at the scene is critical to helping you fill out your report.
Keep in mind that when you file your report, it remains confidential because the report contains your private information.
To request your report, you will have to provide the date of the accident, the name of anyone involved in the accident, and where the accident occurred.
How do I fill out the report?
You will fill out the report using the information you collected at the scene.
Certain information needs to be included in your report:
- Location of the accident; this includes the city or town where the accident took place. If possible, include the street/intersection of the accident.
- The date of the accident;
- The vehicles involved in the accident; this includes the make/model of the vehicles, VIN’s, and any insurance information you collected from other drivers.
- Your driver statement; this is your opportunity to discuss how the accident occurred. You can include an additional full sheet of paper as an attachment if more description is needed. Keep in mind, you cannot include any photographs.
- Any injuries; include any injuries, regardless of how small they may seem. Make sure to include the contact information of anyone injured and where they were in the vehicle at the time of the crash.
- Any damage to property; include a description of the property, the location, who owns the property, and any other pertinent information.
- Your signature; you need to review the document and sign it before sending it in. If you complete the form online, there is an option for a digital signature.