Farmers Insurance Claims

Farmers Insurance Claims

 Farmers Insurance Claims| Their Secrets Exposed

When you suffer injuries or your property is damaged in a car accident, the last thing you want to deal with is an insurance company determined to reduce or deny your claims. Yet this is what many people that file claims with Farmers Insurance have to go through.  The company uses famous people in their ads to convince you that they care about you and are ready to help, but all they care about is making money. You would think that Farmers Insurance Group being the third-largest insurance company in the nation would not have trouble making pay outs, but all they strive for is to cover as few losses as possible.  They would rather pay their executives six to seven figure salaries than pay you a fair amount for an injury or vehicle damage. 

Farmers Does Not Care About You

Farmers Insurance ClaimsThe company highly motivates its adjusters to deny as many claims as possible.  The motivation is in the form of gift certificates, pizza parties, raises, and promotions for adjusters that beat the rest in denying claims. This is according to internal documents that were leaked a few years ago. A Farmers adjuster may use the following tactics to deny your claim:

  • Delay payment: They may try to delay your claim when they know that you have accrued an extensive list of expenses while recuperating from your injuries. What they are trying to do is to make you desperate enough for you to accept the meager settlement they dangle before you.  Do not accept an offer under pressure because the offer may not fully cover your losses.
  • Recorded statements: Adjusters from Farmers will try to create an impression that you have to make recorded statements. The truth is that you are not required to make a recorded statement, and that the adjuster is simply trying to record you saying something that  they can use to deny or reduce your claim.
  • Convince you that you don’t need an attorney: They will try to convince you that you do not need the services of an attorney. It is convenient for them when you don’t hire an attorney that can spot their tactics a mile away.
  • Accuse you of causing the accident:  Adjusters will try to force you to admit that you actually caused the accident or that you significantly contributed to the accident. They may ask you leading questions such asking you whether there was something you could have done to avoid the accident. 
  • Challenge the cause of your injuries:  Adjusters know that you have to show that your accident caused the injuries you suffered in order for you to collect for injury-related losse.  Some injuries only show symptoms days or even a week after an accident, which is why you must head to the emergency room or see a doctor as soon as you can after the accident. Do this even if you feel fine. 
  • Challenge the severity of your injuries:  Farmers may challenge the severity of you injury so that they can try and reduce your losses.  You can direct them to look at the medical documents you got after receiving treatment. But you should talk to your lawyer to advise you on what to do when the adjusters demand to know how severe your injuries are.

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