T-Bone Car Accident Fault Analysis

T Bone Car Accident

T-Bone Car Accident Fault Analysis

A T-Bone collision is when a vehicle hits the side of another vehicle. That means that the front end of the colliding car crashes into the side of the other car. Only a thin door and window acts as a barrier between car occupants and the colliding vehicle in such accidents. This means that passengers are more likely to suffer severe injuries or even death. The shattered windows that result from a t-bone collision only increase the likelihood of injury occurring. A resourceful and experienced car accident lawyer can help you pursue compensation for losses you incur in T-Bone accidents. 

Determining The At-Fault Party In T-Bone Collisions

The at-fault driver in such accidents can be the colliding driver, or the driver of the vehicle that was hit, or a third party.  It all depends on the circumstances of the accident. For example, if a driver drives through a red light into an intersection and gets hit on the side, then that driver is at-fault.

 In a situation, where your brake failed just when you were about to stop at a red light at an intersection, the manufacturer’s of the vehicle or repair technician could be at-fault. If you had the right way when the collision happened, then the other driver is responsible for the accident.  The most commonly reported causes of T-Bone collisions include:

  • Brake failure
  • Failure to yield
  • Turning across traffic lanes
  • Aggressive driving
  • Running traffic light or ignoring a stop light
  • Poor weather conditions
  • Distracted drivers
  • Driving while impaired  by alcohol or drugs

 Determining fault can become complicated if more than two drivers were involved in the accident. Fortunately, photographs, eye witness accounts, CCTV footage and the police report can also be used to determine who was at fault in an accident. A police report contains a lot of details that can be used to determine what happened and who deserves compensation. 

Evidence In A T-Bone Accident

T Bone Car AccidentThe evidence you have is not for demonstrating that a driver was negligent but to prove that that driver’s negligence caused the accident. For example, just because a driver was driving while intoxicated does not mean they their being impaired is what caused the accident. You can still end up being the at-fault party in that situation. You will also have to prove that you incurred losses in an accident. For example, you may need evidence such as a doctor’s prescription or medical bill to prove that you got injured in the accident.  

Compensation For A T-Bone Accident

Any injuries and property damage you sustained in a T-Bone accident that was not your fault makes you eligible for compensation. You may be entitled to compensation for:

  • Repair for the property that got damaged
  • Lost wages for the time you missed at work
  • Rehabilitation and therapy expenses
  • Medical bills
  • Future medical expenses
  • Pain and suffering

These are just some of many damages you can seek compensation for. A resourceful car accident lawyer can help you estimate the compensation amount you deserve for the losses you incurred in a T-Bone accident.

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